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Hydroseeding is an alternative to the traditional process of broadcasting or sowing dry seed. Hydroseeding is an all in one application that contains grass seed, water, starter fertilizer, and a slurry of seed mulch that helps with seed germination and soil stabilization. This eliminates the use for straw which requires less cleanup and the introduction of weed seeds into the new lawn area.


Hydroseeding is an economical way to achieve a nice lawn. As with any newly seeded lawn, consistent watering is important during and after the germination process.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why choose hydroseeding over traditional seeding methods?

Hydroseeding has several advantages over traditional methods: it's faster, more cost-effective for large areas, reduces the risk of erosion, and provides more uniform grass growth. It's ideal for achieving a lush lawn quickly and effectively.

2. What types of areas are suitable for hydroseeding?

Hydroseeding is suitable for a variety of areas including residential lawns, commercial properties, parks, and roadside embankments. It's particularly effective on slopes or in areas where traditional seeding methods are impractical.

3. How do I prepare my property for hydroseeding?

To prepare for hydroseeding, the ground should be cleared of debris, rocks, and weeds. The soil may need to be loosened or graded to ensure an even surface for seed application. Robinson Landscape can help with all necessary preparations.

4. When is the best time to hydroseed?

The best time for hydroseeding in Pennsylvania and New Jersey is during mild weather conditions, typically in the spring or early fall. This timing helps ensure that the seeds can germinate and establish themselves before extreme weather conditions.

5. How long does it take for hydroseeded grass to grow?

Hydroseeded grass typically begins to sprout within 7 to 10 days under ideal conditions, and may be ready for its first mow in about 3 to 4 weeks. The specific growth rate will depend on weather conditions, soil type, and proper care.

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Thinking about getting rid of that old pool? Or maybe you've got some other landscaping ideas? Hit us up! We're here to help make your yard awesome again. Give us a shout, and let’s get started on making your outdoor space something special.

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